Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I haven't posted anything here for more than a month now. I started this blog merely to divert myself from the anxiety and loneliness which was gnawing at my inner life when I was in Chicago a few months back. After I came back to India, I have been busy with my social life (!) and other things. I have been reading and watching movies as usual, only that I don't brood as much as I used to do, which is good and which also explains why I don't write about them. I might be back in Chicago in a few weeks and that nagging feeling might return, which means I will have to start blogging again. Till then, goodbye!


Anonymous said...


Awww, why did you need to put it in the papers, get it on the radio, television, call my neighbours, notify my laundry guy, inform my appartment's security personnel and rest of the world that you posted a new post here!

And despite all this, its me who is blamed for stalking


Alok said...

With such devoted readers, I already feel like Proust or something :)

Anonymous said...

You said good bye and then return to your job the next day. Take your time and think whether you want leave or not.

Alok said...

Bhaya, I don't have any attachment for my blog, but the perseverance of my readers who keep on clicking the blog link, melts my heart and forces me to return to blogging. It's a difficult situation! :)

anurag said...

Your previous comment shows you can write good melodrama too ;))

Alok said...

I have to patronise my readers. They are not many. ;)

Alok said...


thanks, I will have to keep posting something now.