Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Title Update

Someone asked me what the sense/nonsense quote in the title of the blog meant. I then realized that I should have put the name of the author with the quote and the book where it was taken from. It is done now.

Those who are interested in details can go here. For those too lazy to click on the link or search on the page, here's the extract from John Shade's Pale Fire:

But all at once it dawned on me that this
Was the real point, the contrapuntal theme;
Just this: not text, but texture; not the dream
But topsy-turvical coincidence,
Not flimsy nonsense, but a web of sense.
Yes! It sufficed that I in life could find
Some kind of link-and-bobolink, some kind
Of correlated pattern in the game,
Plexed artistry, and something of the same
Pleasure in it as they who played it found.

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