Monday, August 28, 2006

Third Man Links

The NFT in London is celebrating the centenary of film director Carol Reed by devoting an entire season for his films. I haven't seen any of his films other than The Third Man which is one of my all time favourites. The website has a large collection of articles, reviews related to Carol Reed, The Third Man and his other movies. Really worth browsing.

There are many other informative entries about The Third Man. Specially this about the origins of the film and this about the musical score. I can't think of any other movie which has such a distinctive background score. Once I saw the original American trailer of the film and it was remarkable that it didn't mention either Welles or Joseph Cotten at all but just said, in the old movie trailer voice-over, "featuring the background score by Anton Karas! his zither will have you in dither!!"

I haven't read all those articles. Will just be a public bookmark.

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