Sunday, November 11, 2007

In Praise of New York Sun

When more and more mainstream newspapers are limiting their books coverage to only "topical" books, that is when they are not cutting down the review pages, it is gratifying to see the book review section of a paper like New York Sun. I have enthused about the reviews and essays of Adam Kirsch before who is regular reviewer there but in general their books coverage and the reviews are extremely good.

Of the recent reviews, the ones which particularly interested me:

A review of a biography of Proust's mother.

Adam Kirsch on a new work of cultural history of Modernism by Peter Gay.

And another review of Polish novelist Witold Gombrowicz's A Kind Of Testament. I haven't been able to make much progress with his Ferdydurke. Not a fault of the book, I have been quite busy and distracted lately and the book is quite dense and requires a lot concentration.

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