Friday, November 18, 2005

Some Random Links

Lars von Trier answers some questions in his typical style.

The End of literary theory?

The eternal debate. Does God exist?

Most people who believe in God assume their belief to be pretty reasonable. “Perhaps God’s existence can’t be conclusively proved,” they’ll say, “but it’s a fairly sensible thing to believe—far more sensible than, say, belief in fairies or Santa Claus.” But are they right?

Why don't we have someone like him in India? He will surely have an easier time exposing all the frauds and fakers!

This looks like an interesting book. Even though I have never heard of most of the celebrities the book talks about
The Dictionary of National Celebrity is one of the most reassuring books published in years, for it demonstrates that even now, when Madonna's face stares from every magazine rack, it is still possible to distance yourself from the 21st-century dungheap and genuinely despise the things you are writing about.

And finally, an interesting rant on girls gone wild. No, that's not about the famous video series. Click on the link to know more. If you are interested in the topic, here is something more.

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